Joana Mallwitz - The new principal conductor
On the digital landing page we have created the opportunity to get to know Joana Mallwitz, the new chief conductor of the Konzerthausorchester Berlin. Through a careful selection of images, animations and videos, visitors to the Konzerthaus can gain an insight into her musical journey and her successes to date. Through videos and audio recordings, we create the opportunity to experience Joana Mallwitz in action and hear her interpretation of various works.

Mit der Integration des Magazins wurde die Website um einen ganz neuen Bereich für hochwertigen redaktionellen und kreativen Content erweitert. So kommen die Features des Block-Editors, die der Redakteur:in zum Storytelling zur Verfügung stehen, zum Tragen. In den Magazin-Kategorien Hören, Lesen und Sehen können auch durch die luftige Gestaltung der Artikel längere Content-Strecken abgebildet werden, so kommen Nutzer:innen in den Genuss eines individuellen Erlebnisses aus Audio-, Video- und Textbeiträgen. Die großformatigen, dynamischen Bildinhalte und Hover-Effekte sorgen für ein modernes und interaktives digitales Erlebnis. Ziel des Magazines ist es, durch die reaktionelle Arbeit die Verweildauer auf der Website zu erhöhen, indem automatische Querverlinkungen von den Veranstaltungen zu den redaktionellen Magazin-Beiträgen und umgekehrt realisiert werden. Mit der Erhöhung der Verweildauer wird eine Erhöhung des Kartenverkaufs erreicht. Vor allem trägt das Magazin auch unter SEO-Aspekten sehr positiv zur Gesamt-Performance der Website bei.

Mein Konzerthaus
The capital's competitive cultural scene encourages creative artists to develop new strategies and innovative solutions in marketing and customer loyalty. The trend-setting loyalty program Mein Konzerthaus (My Konzerthaus) is a genuine innovation. With Mein Konzerthaus, the Django website and Eventim webshop merge into one visitor-friendly application. Users can log in to the website with their store user data and track the progress of their loyalty program on the website. They receive incentives and can also use login-linked functionalities such as (shareable) watch lists and ticket pre-sale reminders, or receive content or voucher codes tailored to their profile. This much can be revealed: Mein Konzerthaus is a very big success. The data collected flows into the shared CRM, from which personalized mails are sent automatically. A considerable simplification of the workflow for direct customer communication.

200 years of Konzerthaus
On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Konzerthaus, a microsite filled to the brim with many exciting facts, pictures, quotes and videos on the history of this wonderful venue went online. Digitally, users can not only immerse themselves in the history of the Konzerthaus, but also visualize important events in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. From the opening of the house on May 26, 1821, with a dialogue written by Johann Wolfgang Goethe, to the performance of the renowned violinist Paganini, the meeting of Prussia's first modern parliament after the March Revolution and its demise in the hail of bombs of World War II, to the reconstruction and the "Berlin Celebration Concert" conducted by Leonard Bernstein, at which musicians from East and West Berlin as well as the four countries of the victorious powers played music together. A real project of the heart, wonderfully staged by our interdisciplinary team. Enjoy the journey through time ...

The project is an excellent example of how sustainability can be planned and realized on the internet. The application has been online since 2013, since then, the tech stack has always been updated seamlessly. On the frontend, the website is continuously modernized with the latest corporate design updates and adapts to the continuously changing user habits. In parallel, the Python/Django backend always remains up-to-date. In this way, integrations into the system world of ticketing, dispatching system and CRM can be expanded continuously and, above all, in a sustainable manner.
An important milestone was the soft relaunch in 2023 in collaboration with the agency The Goodwins. With the new new principal conductor Joana Mallwitz, the website received a comprehensive reskin with the latest corporate design innovations. This update emphasises the commitment to a contemporary look and feel and continuous improvement of the user experience.
Konzerthaus Berlin
10 months
Go-Live/Soft Relaunch
1 Projekt Manager
1 Designer
1 Frontend Developer
1 IT Operator -
EVIS (Distributionssoftware)
CTS Eventim (Ticketing-System)
Python/Django (Webframework)
Elasticsearch (Search Engine)
Celery (Task-Management)
Sentry (Error Tacking)